Sabtu, 25 April 2009

UK: Undergraduate Full Scholarship 2009-2010 for International Students

At the University of Westminster you can apply for a scholarship once you have been offered a place (either conditional or unconditional) on a course at the University, but before you start your course. The only exception to this rule is if you are an undergraduate UK/EU student who started your course under the new tuition fee regime.

The University of Westminster have 5 different scholarships for International students. Scholarships are awarded on the criteria of academic excellence, development potential and financial need:

* Full International Scholarships
* Diplomatic Scholarships
* East Timor Scholarship
* Gambia Biomedical Sciences Scholarship
* Ken Bird Memorial Scholarship

Full International Scholarships

Amount: Full tuition fee waivers, accommodation, living expenses and flights to and from London. The scholarship will be renewed each year, subject to satisfactory academic progress.

Eligibility: You must be an international student from a developing country and hold an offer for a full-time undergraduate degree at the University.

Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.

Deadline: 31 May 2009.

Diplomatic Scholarships

Amount: 65 per cent fee waivers.
Eligibility: These scholarships are available to you if you are a child of diplomats from developing countries, whose countries are unable to contribute to the fees. Your parent in the diplomatic post must be based in the UK, and you must hold an offer for a full-time undergraduate degree at the University. The scholarship is for the length of the course (3 or 4 years) and is subject to satisfactory academic progress.

Criteria: Academic excellence.
Deadline: 31 May 2009.

East Timor Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded in conjunction with the Ai-Kameli Trust and International Students House.

Amount: Full tuition fee waiver, accommodation at International Students House, living expenses and flights to and from London for the period of study..

Eligibility: You must be from East Timor and wish to pursue a full-time undergraduate degree at the University of Westminster. You must be interested in studying a subject useful to the development of East Timor, and intend to return on completion of the course.

Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need.

To contact the Ai-Kameli Trust for further details and application procedures visit

Gambia Biomedical Sciences Scholarship

This scholarship is only open to you if you have successfully completed the University of Westminster Diploma in Biomedical Sciences. It is a three year scholarship, subject to satisfactory academic progress, for the full-time BSc Honours Biomedical Sciences.

Amount: Full tuition fee waiver, accommodation, living expenses and annual flights to and from London.

Eligibility: You must be a citizen of the Gambia and hold an offer for the full-time BSc Honours Biomedical Sciences.

Criteria: Academic excellence, development potential and financial need. You must make a case as to how the skills and knowledge acquired on the course will be helpful to the development of the Gambia. You must also commit to return to the Gambia on completion of the course.

Deadline: 31 May 2009.

Ken Bird Memorial Scholarship

Ken Bird was formerly Chair of the University’s Technology and Design Department. This scholarship reflects Ken’s interest in South Asia as well as his desire to help provide educational opportunities for women. The family of Ken Bird will take an active role in the choice and welfare of the scholar. The scholarship is awarded jointly with International Students House.

Amount: Full tuition fee waiver and accommodation at International Students House.

Eligibility: Preference will be given to you if you are a female student from India or Sri Lanka and hold an offer for a full-time undergraduate degree in a technology based subject. The scholarship will be renewed each year based on your academic performance.

Criteria: Academic excellence and financial need.

Deadline: 31 May 2009.

Application procedure and presentation guidelines

* Apply for scholarships only after you have been offered a place (conditional or unconditional) on a course at the University of Westminster. Please do not apply if you have already enrolled or begun a course of study at the University of Westminster (except in the case of Progression Scholarships and the Westminster Careers Awards).

* Read the information on individual scholarships carefully and ensure that you only apply for ones that you are eligible for and meet the criteria of. For example, do not apply for the Tanzania Scholarship unless you are from Tanzania.

* Photocopy the application form at the back of our scholarships brochure or print the form from our website.

* Do use the same application form when applying for more than one scholarship.

* Attach the relevant papers only and keep your supporting documents to a minimum. The quantity of documents sent does not give any advantage.

* Attach translations where supporting documents are in any other language but English.

* Word process the application as far as possible. If handwriting the application, please ensure it is written clearly and in block letters. Illegible applications will be considered ineligible.

* Keep your application concise.
Unless you are applying for a specific scholarship, just tell us what level of support you require, eg fees only, fees and accommodation etc, and we will match the scholarship to your needs where possible.Provide us with a valid email address. The University and its Scholarships Committee is not responsible for opportunities missed because of an invalid email address.

Only send copies of your academic transcript as we will not be able to return any original documentation sent. It is acceptable for your university to send transcripts to us directly, but we will not be able to return them to you at any stage.

Application form:

* PDF version of undergraduate scholarships application form
* Word file of undergraduate application form



SAMPOERNA SCHOOL of EDUCATION (SSE) adalah Institusi Keguruan yang menyelenggarakan program Sarjana Pendidikan (Strata 1), didirikan oleh SAMPOERNA FOUNDATION bertujuan untuk menciptakan generasi baru guru Indonesia yang menguasai metode pengajaran terkini, mampu mengajar secara bilingual dan mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran.
Lulusan dari SSE akan menjadi jawaban atas kebutuhan sekolah bertaraf internasional, sekolah nasional dan nasional plus terhadap guru profesional masa depan.

a. Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika (Sarjana Pendidikan)
b. Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Sarjana Pendidikan)

a. Beasiswa FULL BOARD
Beasiswa yang diberikan meliputi Biaya Pendidikan dan Biaya Hidup selama 4 tahun atau 8 semester
b. Beasiswa TUITION FEE
Beasiswa yang diberikan adalah Biaya Pendidikan selama 4 tahun atau 8 semester
Aplikan diperbolehkan mendaftar pada salah satu jenis beasiswa yang tercantum di atas sesuai dengan kondisi dan persyaratan yang berlaku.


• Lulus SMA atau setara pada tahun 2007, atau 2008, atau duduk di SMA kelas 12 pada saat mendaftar di Sampoerna School of Education.
• Warga Negara Indonesia.
• Nilai rata-rata raport 7,00 selama masa SMA (kelas 10 sampai dengan kelas 12) dengan nilai Matematika dan Bahasa Inggris minimum 7,00 .
• Membuktikan kebutuhan tunjangan keuangan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan.
• Lulus proses seleksi beasiswa.

• Lulusan SMA atau setara, dan berusia tidak lebih dari 30 tahun pada tanggal 9 September 2009.

• Warga Negara Indonesia.
• Nilai rata-rata minimum rapor SMA kelas 10 sampai kelas 12 adalah 7,00 untuk mata pelajaran Matematika atau Bahasa Inggris (sesuai jurusan yang dipilih)
• Prestasi di bidang akademik, seni dan, atau olah raga akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Sehat jasmani dan rohani
• Lulus proses seleksi beasiswa.


• Fotokopi rapor SMA kelas 10 – 12 (semester 5) yang dilegalisir
• Hasil UAN bagi yang sudah lulus SMA pada saat mendaftar (legalisir)
• Foto Kopi KTP atau Kartu Pelajar (2 lbr)
• Pas Foto ukuran 4 X 6 berwarna 2 lembar
• Surat referensi dari kepala sekolah atau guru BK
• Surat referensi dari wali kelas
• 1 lembar fotokopi KTP kedua orang tua
• 1 Lembar Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga (KK)
• Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu yang dikeluarkan oleh RT / RW atau kelurahan

• Fotokopi rapor SMA kelas 10 – 12 (semester 5) yang dilegalisir
• Hasil UAN bagi yang sudah lulus SMA pada saat mendaftar (legalisir)
• Foto Kopi KTP atau Kartu Pelajar (2 lbr)
• Pas Foto ukuran 4 X 6 berwarna 2 lembar
• Surat referensi dari kepala sekolah/guru BK ATAU Surat referensi dari atasan (jika sudah bekerja pada saat mendaftar)
• 1 Lembar Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga (KK)
• Surat keterangan kesehatan yang dikeluarkan oleh rumah sakit / Puskesmas

 Mengisi formulir pendaftaran dan form referensi (form terlampir)
 Menjawab secara singkat Pernyataan Pribadi dan Pertanyaan Esai yang tercantum pada hal. 4 formulir pendaftaran sesuai petunjuk yang tertera.
 Melengkapi persyaratan dokumen pendukung seperti tercantum pada tabel 3.2 Persyaratan Dokumen
 Mengirimkan Formulir Pendaftaran, Form Referensi dan dokumen pendukung yang sudah lengkap selambat – lambatnya tanggal ;
• 1 Mei 2009 (untuk aplikan Beasiswa Tution Fee)
• 20 Mei 2009 (untuk aplikan Beasiswa Full Board)
Ditujukan ke alamat ;

Sampoerna Strategic Square, Tower A lantai 26
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 45
Jakarta Selatan 12930
Attn : (Syeron / Wahono)

Aplikan yang memenuhi persyaratan akan diundang untuk mengikuti proses seleksi beasiswa. Tes Seleksi beasiswa akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal ;
• 15 Mei 2009 (Beasiswa Tuition Fee)
• 22 Juni 2009 ( Beasiswa Full Board)
Lokasi tes seleksi beasiswa akan diumumkan diundangan seleksi beasiswa.

7. TUNJANGAN BIAYA SELEKSI (Khusus aplikan beasiswa Full Board)
Bagi calon mahasiswa dengan domisili di luar Jabodetabek yang terpilih dan diundang untuk mengikuti Tes Seleksi Beasiswa di jakarta akan mendapatkan tunjangan biaya seleksi

8. INFORMASI (silahkan menghubungi) :
SYERON SYAHRIL (0817 486 4802 atau 021 5772275 EXT. 7538)


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